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4 More Countries Ban Russian Airlines From Their Airspace

BUCHAREST, Romania - Estonia, Romania, Lithuania and Latvia will ban Russian airlines from their airspace, the countries announced Saturday.

'We invite all EU countries to do the same. There is no place for planes of the aggressor state in democratic skies. #StanWithUkraine', Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas tweeted Saturday.

'Unprovoked & unjustified Russia attack on Ukraine brings serious consequences', the Romanian delegation to NATO tweeted.

Latvia made the decision to close its airspace such a decision in coordination with its neighbors Lithuania and Estonia, the government said Saturday in a statement.

'Lithuania is joining Latvia and Estonia in banning Russian aircraft from its airspace', Lithuanian Transport Minister Marius Skoudis said Saturday.

The UK, Poland, Moldova and Czech Republic all previously closed their airspace to Russian airlines following its attack on Ukraine.



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