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Breaking News: Lufthansa Extends Suspension of Flights to Tehran

Breaking News: Lufthansa Extends Suspension of Flights to Tehran

FRANKFURT - Lufthansa, the German airline, announced on Thursday that it has extended the suspension of its flights to Tehran until April 13, citing the ongoing situation in the Middle East. The decision follows the airline’s move last weekend to cancel a flight from Frankfurt to Tehran to prevent the crew from disembarking and spending the night in the Iranian capital.

Lufthansa and its subsidiary, Austrian Airlines, are the only two Western carriers currently operating flights into Tehran, a city predominantly served by Turkish and Middle Eastern airlines. Austrian Airlines, which operates six flights a week from Vienna to Tehran, confirmed it still plans to fly on Thursday but will adjust its schedule to avoid an overnight layover.

As of now, there has been no comment from other international airlines that operate flights to Tehran. It’s worth noting that Iranian airspace is a crucial overflight route for Emirates and Qatar Airways’ North American flights. Further updates will follow as the situation develops.



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