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International Court of Justice Welcomes Five New Judges in Recent Elections

International Court of Justice Welcomes Five New Judges in Recent Elections

In a significant development, the General Assembly and the Security Council, convened on Thursday, jointly elected five distinguished individuals to preside over the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the primary judicial entity of the United Nations.

In an unbiased and confidential voting process, the Assembly and the Council also re-elected a sitting judge, Hilary Charlesworth of Australia, highlighting her continued dedication and expertise in the realm of international law.

The newly elected justices include Bogdan-Lucian Aurescu from Romania, Sarah Hull Cleveland from the United States, Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo Verduzco from Mexico, and Dire Tladi from South Africa. These esteemed individuals are set to embark on a nine-year term, commencing on the 6th of February next year.

The selection of ICJ judges adheres rigorously to the Statute of the Court, the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly, and the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council. The electoral process mandates securing an absolute majority in both the General Assembly, with a requirement of 97 votes, and the Security Council, where a minimum of 8 votes is essential for election.

The ICJ, often colloquially referred to as the 'World Court,' is composed of 15 judges, each serving non-consecutive nine-year terms. Elections for five seats are held every three years, with no restriction on consecutive terms. The judicial composition is structured to ensure diversity, with judges selected based on qualifications rather than nationality. Additionally, the provision that no two judges can represent the same country underscores the Court's commitment to impartiality.

Established in 1945 and headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands, the ICJ plays a pivotal role in resolving legal disputes between States and offering advisory opinions on legal questions referred by authorized UN organs. The recent elections fortify the Court's commitment to upholding international law and promoting justice on the global stage.



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