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Rare Blue Supermoon Illuminates Saudi Skies on August 19

Rare Blue Supermoon Illuminates Saudi Skies on August 19

Jeddah, August 19, 2024 — On the evening of Monday, August 19, Saudi Arabia witnessed a spectacular celestial event as a rare blue supermoon lit up the night sky. The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) captured the remarkable sight, which drew the attention of skywatchers across the country. This unique occurrence combined the phenomena of a supermoon and a blue moon, making it an exceptional sight for both astronomers and the general public.

Majed Abu Zahra, the Director of the Jeddah Astronomy Society (JAS), provided insight into this rare event, explaining that the supermoon occurs when the moon is at or near its closest point to Earth in its orbit, known as perigee. "This rare phenomenon happens once every few years," Abu Zahra noted, emphasizing the infrequency of such an occurrence.

Tonight's blue supermoon is also referred to as a seasonal blue moon, marking the third of four full moons within the current season, which spans between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox. Abu Zahra explained that typically, each season has three full moons, but occasionally, an additional full moon appears, known as a blue moon. This event takes place only once every two and a half years.

Contrary to its name, the blue moon does not display a blue color but appears like any other full moon. However, what sets it apart is its occurrence within the same season as three other full moons. The full moon of August 19, 2024, is particularly distinctive as it combines the characteristics of both a supermoon and a blue moon.

The supermoon aspect of tonight's event is due to the moon's proximity to Earth, with the distance between their centers falling below 362,146 kilometers. This close approach results in the moon appearing larger and brighter than usual, a phenomenon that has captivated stargazers worldwide.

Abu Zahra added that full moons are the perfect time to observe the moon's surface in detail, as the sun fully illuminates its face, causing the terrain to appear flat with short shadows. This provides an ideal opportunity for those interested in the moon's radiant features.

As the blue supermoon graced the Saudi sky, it served as a reminder of the beauty and rarity of such celestial events. Residents across the nation took a moment to marvel at this awe-inspiring sight, which will not be seen again for several years.

For those who missed it, the next blue supermoon will be an event to look forward to, but for now, the memory of tonight's breathtaking display will linger in the minds of those who witnessed it.

Stay tuned to Saudi Arabia Breaking News for more updates on astronomical events and other breaking stories.



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