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Saudi Arabia's King, Crown Prince Send Condolences On Queen Elizabeth's Death

PARIS - Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz and The Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman sent condolences to British King Charles III early on Friday on Queen Elizabeth's death, according to two statements on state news agency SPA.

King Salman sent a cable of condolences and sympathy to Britain's King Charles III, saying: 'We have learned with great sadness the news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'.

'Her Majesty was a model of leadership that will be immortalized in the history. We recall with appreciation the efforts of the deceased in consolidating the friendship and cooperation relations between our two friendly countries, as well as the high international status that Her Majesty enjoyed throughout the decades during which she acceded to the throne of your friendly country'.

'We sent to Your Majesty, the Royal Family, and the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland our deepest condolences and sincere sympathy, hoping that you do not see any harm'.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman also sent a cable of condolences and sympathy to King Charles III to mourn the passing of the treasured monarch.

In his cable, the Crown Prince said: 'I am saddened by the news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, who devoted her life to serve her country'.

'Her Majesty was an example of wisdom, love, and peace. The world remembers today the great impact and deeds that she had throughout her reign'.

'I express to Your Majesty, the Royal Family and the friendly people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland deepest condolences and sincere sympathy, wishing you permanent good health and safety, and that you may never see any unpleased thing'.



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