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Taylor Swift Responds To Critics After Jet Tops Worst Private Plane CO2 Emission List

PARIS, France - Taylor Swift is getting backslash from critics about her private jet's carbon footprint.

The 'Shake it Off' singer was accused of polluting the earth by flying in her private jet 170 times between Jan.1 and July 29, according to Yard, a sustainability marketing agency that prides itself on 'cutting - edge data and analysis'.

However, a representative for the 32 - year - old pop star said, 'Taylor's jet is loaned out regularly to other individuals. To attribute most or all of these trips to her is blatantly incorrect', according to TMZ.

The research gathered by Yard shows results for 'which celebrities are the worst private jet CO2 emission offenders', with Swift racking up more than 22,000 minutes in the air, or the equivalent of 16 days.

Swift's total flight emissions for the year total 8,240 metric tones, or 1,185 times more than the average person's total annual emissions, according to the report.

The study also alleged other celebrities are guilty of polluting the planet.

Boxing legend Floyd Mayweather ranks second as the 'worst private jet CO2 emission' offender.

Mayweather comes in closely behind Swift, emitting 7,077 metric tones of carbon dioxide while flying private this year, 1,011 times more than average flyer annually, according to the study.

He's also guilty of having the record for the shortest flight for a total of 10 minutes while flying to Las Vegas and emitting 1 ton of carbon dioxide.

Other celebrities accused of not being climate conscious are Jay-Z former New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez, Blake Shelton, Steven Spielberg and Oprah.

Despite private jet used by celebrities for years, their luxury flights have come under scrutiny after Kylie Jenner posted a photo on social media of her and Travis Scott's private jet last week.

Jenner took to social media to post a black and white photo of her and Scott embracing in front of their private jets, with the caption 'you wanna take mine or yours?'

The 'Kardashian' star received heat from critics after the photo went viral on Twitter.



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