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The Saudi Crown Prince Meets With Egypt's President In Jeddah

PARIS, France - In the early hours of Monday morning, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al - Sisi in Jeddah.

The official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said that the two officials got together for a Ramadan suhoor meal and ''reviewed the strong and historical bilateral relations between the two brotherly nations, prospects for cooperative collaboration, and measures to expand and grow them in many domains''.

They ''addressed changes in the regional and international situation and the efforts taken to address them, in addition to confronting all subjects of shared interest'' as well.

In a tweet after their meeting, Al-Sisi states, ''I was glad to see my brother, His Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince Of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As I express my gratitude and appreciation for the warm greeting and hospitality, I underline the depth and strength of the bilateral relations between Egypt and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ''I look forward to its expansion and strengthening in all spheres, in a manner that the joint interests of achieves the joint interests of our two nations and the tremendous ambitions of our peoples'', he continued.



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