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Ukraine’s Drones Strikes Moscow: A Wake-Up Call For Diplomacy And De-Escalation

PARIS, France - The drone war that has been raging in Ukraine for more than a year has now reached the heart of Russia and its capital, Moscow. In a daring and unprecedented attack, Ukrainian drones targeted some of the most affluent and secure areas of the city, including a western zone where President Vladimir Putin and other elites have residence. The raid, which injured two people and caused some damage to apartment blocks, was the worst assault on Moscow since World War Two, according to one Russian politician.

The attack came as Kyiv was also hit by air for the third time in 24 hours, killing four people and wounding 34 others, including two children. Russia has been bombarding Ukraine with drones and missiles since it invaded its neighbor in February last year, occupying a war that has killed tens of thousands and displaced millions. The conflict has also disrupted the global economy and strained relations between Russia and the West.

The escalation of the drone war shows that neither side is willing to back down or compromise on their core interests. Russia wants to keep Ukraine under its sphere of influence and prevent it from joining NATO or the European Union. Ukraine wants to preserve its sovereignty and territorial integrity and pursue closer ties with the West. The use of drones also reflects the asymmetry of the war, as Ukraine lacks the conventional military might to match Russia’s superior forces.

Drones are cheap, easy to operate and hard to detect. They can strike with precision and cause significant damage without risking human lives. They can also evade air defense and penetrate deep into enemy territory. Both sides have been using drones extensively in the war, but Ukraine has recently stepped up its attacks on Russian soil, targeting military bases, infrastructure, and even Putin himself. Earlier this month, two drones exploded over the Kremlin in an apparent assassination attempt.

The drone war poses a serious challenge for both countries and the international community. It raises questions about the legality, morality, and accountability of using such weapons in warfare. It also increases the risk of miscalculation, escalation, and retaliation. How will Russia respond to the latest attack on Moscow? Will it intensify its bombardment of Kyiv or launch a ground offensive? How will Ukraine defend itself and deter further aggression? Will it seek more support from its allies or resort to more desperate measures?

The drone war also underscores the urgency of finding a diplomatic solution to the crisis in Ukraine. The Minsk agreements, signed in 2015 and 2016, have failed to bring peace or stability to the region. The talks between Russia and the United States, mediated by Germany and France, have stalled over key issues such as security, elections, and autonomy. The United Nations Security Council has been unable to adopt any meaningful resolutions due to Russia’s veto power.

The world cannot afford to ignore or tolerate the drone war in Ukraine. It is not only a humanitarian tragedy but also a geopolitical threat. It threatens to destabilize Europe and undermine global security. It challenges the norms and rules of international law and order. It sets a dangerous precedent for other conflicts and actors who many seek to use drones for malicious purposes.

The drown war must end before it spirals out of control. The international community must pressure both sides to cease hostilities and resume negotiations. The parties must show political will and compromise on their differences. The drones must be grounded and destroyed before they strike again.



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