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Yes, Joe Biden Plans To Run For President Again, Wife Jill Says

PARIS, France - U.S. first lady Jill Biden wants Americans to know that her husband, President Joe Biden, does plan to run for a second four - year term, and she's all for it - even as a formal declaration of his intentions has yet to be made.

Jill Biden, asked by CNN about her husband's plans on a just-completed trip to Namibia and Kenya, said she expects him to announce a campaign and dismissed a question on whether the 80-year-old Democrat might opt out of a run in 2024.

''I'm all for it, of course'', said the first lady, whose opinion is considered critical for the president's upcoming plans, even as he consults with a close group of longtime political advisers.

She made even stronger remarks to the Associated Press on the trip, when asked if the president was running again: ''How many times does to have to say it for you to believe it?''

Whether Biden should run in 2024 continues to be a source of debate among Democrats. Another run would test whether voters are ready to five Biden, already the oldest American president ever, another four years in office.

Biden himself has repeatedly that he intends to run for re-election and has dismissed questions about his age, but has yet to make a formal decision.

''There's to many another things we have to finish in the near term before I start a campaign'', he told ABC's David Muir at the White House.

Biden said last November that he would decide in early 2023 whether he would run again, but an announcement now is not expected until the spring.



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